Damaged Minds

An empty bottle of pills was beside him. “Damaged Minds” is published by Heidi Hutton Rigoli.


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Some Friends Will Be At The Tokyo Olympics

This will be a different Olympics than any other

Tokyo is finally having the Olympics

The athletes are ready. Some of them have been preparing for this great opportunity to participate in the Olympics for nearly their entire lives. They have trained well. Although disappointed when the 2020 Summer Olympics scheduled to be held in Tokyo, Japan, were not held because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the athletes finally get their chance to compete a year later.

The Olympics will finally be held. At first they said that no spectators from outside of Japan would be allowed. Now the ruling is that there will be NO spectators.

Thank you to the media, to all the superior athletes, to the trainers, to the International Olympic Committee, to the Nation of Japan and the City of Tokyo, to all the workers and volunteers, and to everyone else who is working or has worked on the Olympics to bring these events to us. Thank you to the parents and families of the athletes.

Most of us will probably be watching at least portions of the Olympics.

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