How to avoid Coinbase Fees

Coinbase is known as the on-ramp to the world of cryptocurrencies. They provide an easy to use interface and lots of security to keep your funds safe. However, these great features come at a price…


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The Upsell Is Strong With This One

I worked retail for years. It helped me pay my way through college and I learned a lot in my time as a regular associate, assistant manager and eventually a manager. What I hated most about the job is what really irks me today. The Upsell.

I almost fell for this a few years ago and after seeing someone else get this same pitch recently, I thought I’d pass along my experience and the information I’ve been told.

I purchased several of them years ago, just in case and I’ve never needed to buy more. I give them as gifts to friends when they get a new device and need a cable.

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